4. Mobility

Mobility in administration

The municipality promotes intelligent, sustainable mobility behaviours among its staff.

The municipality procures its vehicles according to sustainable procurement guidelines (alternative fuels, efficient vehicles) and ensures efficient vehicle use.

Traffic calming, parking

All public car parks, including those outside centres, are managed (price-based regulation, parking guidance systems) with a view to reducing motorised mobility.

The municipality ensures smooth traffic flows along main axes at low speed levels in the form of resident-oriented rather than traffic-oriented management.

The municipality provides attractive public spaces and implements reduced-speed and pedestrian and cycling priority zones across the entire municipal territory.

The municipality supports short distances for providing access to basic supplies for the general population and promotes initiatives for efficient logistics systems for supplying the business sector.

Non-motorised mobility

The municipality provides an attractive and secure network of footpaths across the entire municipal territory. All key destinations are signposted.

The municipality provides a safe and attractive network of cycle paths across the entire municipal territory along with a sufficient number of safe, attractive and easily accessible bicycle parking spaces. All key destinations are signposted.

Public transport

The municipality ensures high-quality public transport that covers the entire municipal territory and connects with regional and national transport systems.

The municipality ensures that public transport is given priority at critical points on the streets.

The municipality provides options for environmentally friendly multi-modal mobility and raises awareness of relevant options among the population.

Mobility marketing

The municipality ensures that regular, active PR and marketing activities are conducted in order to promote efficient and sustainable mobility to various target groups.