The German 'European Energy Award' - programme


Contact: European Energy Award Germany          

The European Energy Award (eea) is administered and awarded by state ministries of the German federal states participating in the programme. These state ministries are supported by regional eea offices. The German national office of the eea (Bundesgeschäftsstelle) coordinates the activities of the offices in the federal states. The national office is responsible for the ongoing developments as well as the exchange of ideas and experiences and quality assurance within Germany.

In order to implement the eea, local governments receive financial support from the state funding bodies. Furthermore, 87 accredited eea consultants and 8 eea auditors are currently at the disposal of the municipalities. Altogether, the eea network in Germany comprises a total of about 3,000 professionals.


Number of municipalities

  • participating in total: 311
  • awarded eea: 220
  • awarded eea Gold: 56

Population involved: 19,8 m

  • 1st eea award: 2003
  • 1st eea Gold award: 2005

Status beginning of 2024