Italian 'eea' and 'ComuneClima' - programmes
Contact: SPES Consulting Srl, Agency for Energy South Tyrol – CasaClima
In Italy, the Association European Energy Award AISBL has cooperated with the private, Genova-based company SPES Consulting for a number of years. Since 2016, SPES Consulting and the Agency for Energy South Tyrol – CasaClima, a public body of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, are the two official licensees of the eea programme in Italy.
The Agency for Energy South Tyrol – CasaClima adopted the eea methodology within the framework of the KlimaGemeinde/ComuneClima programme backed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. The programme supports South Tyrol’s municipalities in implementing climate protection and energy efficiency measures that contribute to the realization of the policy framework Climate Strategy – South Tyrol Energy 2050.